Stellaluna, a puppet show based on the popular book by Janell Cannon, will play the Center for Puppetry Arts through May 19.

Adapted and directed by Jon Ludwig, the story follows the adventures of everyone’s favorite fruit bat, when he is accidentally dropped by his mom and falls into the nest of bird fledglings. Stellaluna becomes one of their family though has a tough time hiding its fruit bat tendancies, such as flying at night and sleeping upside down.

The story is about acceptance and respect and shows children that it’s OK to be different.

The show stars puppeteers Tim Sweeney, Evan Hill Phillips, Amy Sweeney, Luis Hernandez, Reay Maxwell, Daniela Santiago and Judah D. Normam.

It uses tabletop, rod, marionette and shadow puppets to tell the story. 

For more information, visit

Photo: The title puppet in the show at Center for Puppetry Arts.