This weekend's best bets: Oct. 31

Welcome to a weekend of firsts and one-of-a-kinds. The world premiere of “Pluto” at Actor’s Express. The debut of a monthly pop-up nightlife venue at the Woodruff Arts Center. The ASO’s inaugural “First Fridays” happy-hour concert. Plus Theatrical Outfit’s stunning “Harabel: A Sparrow Over a Minefield” and Out of Hand’s one-woman “Salome,” performed for audiences of 20 to 30, in private homes. Get a ticket! See a show! Have fun!

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This week's best bets: Thanksgiving 2012 edition

Happy Thanksgiving! If you have room for culture amid the turkey and stuffing, check out “The Summer of Daisy May” at the new Marietta Theatre (for laughs) or “Wolves” at Actor’s Express (for chill bumps). The holiday show season accelerates with “Aurora’s Christmas Canteen 2012,” the Alliance’s “A Christmas Carol,” “Nuncrackers” at OnStage Atlanta and “The Santaland Diaries” at Horizon.

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