Atlanta’s Found Stages Theatre Company raises its voice Saturday in a staged reading of The Subject, a piece written to increase awareness and dialogue about sexual assault issues.

foundstages-logo-tagline-webThe free reading — at 4 p.m. — is at a private home in the Grant Park neighborhood, and seating is limited. To reserve a spot, email This reading is one of many taking place simultaneously at theaters and universities around the world.

The event is meant to peacefully protest lenient rape sentences (such as the six-month term given to former Stanford swimmer Brock Turner) and to take action to reduce sexual violence.

Nichole Palmietto directs a cast featuring well-known Atlanta actors Rob Cleveland, Devon Hales, Emily Kleypas, Brian Kurlander, Jessica Meisel, Mary Lynn Owen, Diany Rodriguez and Daviorr Snipes.

Found Stages, whose guiding principle is “new plays, no walls,” is an immersive theater that produce its work in site-specific locations. Beulah Creek in September 2014, for example, was written for the great outdoors at Dunwoody Nature Center. Audience members traveled with two characters and a chorus of women, and shared in cornbread and milk  during the final scene.